Benefit to a disabled new mother

​A disabled mother, who is unable to take care of her newborn, and her spouse may be entitled to one of the following benefits:

Special allowance for a single-parent disabled mother

Conditions of entitlement

To be entitled to the allowance, you must meet all following conditions:​

  • You are entitled to a birth grant - click here to see the conditions of entitlement to a birth grant.
  • You are a single mother (single-parent family).
  • You have been granted a 100% earning incapacity.
  • You are unable to care for the baby because of your disability - according to a medical opinion.
  • The baby is in Israel and is living with his/her mother.

Allowance rate

The allowance amounts to NIS 3,995 (as of Jan 01, 2025) per month, and is paid for 3 months since childbirth.

Please note, this allowance is paid instead of a maternity allowance to the new mother.

How to submit a claim

In order to receive the special allowance, you must submit a claim for special benefit for a single-parent disabled-mother together with a medical opinion. The documents can be sent through the internet site or submitted at a branch of the National Insurance Institute nearest your place of residence, within 12 months from the day of the birth.

Maternity allowance for the spouse of a disabled mother

The spouse of a new mother with a disability, may be entitled to a maternity allowance, if the mother is unable to care for her newborn.

Conditions of entitlement

For the spouse to be entitled to a maternity allowance, the new mother must meet all the following conditions:

  • She is entitled to a birth grant - click here to see the conditions of entitlement to a birth grant.
  • She was determined a 100% degree of earning incapacity.
  • Because of her disability, the mother is unable to care for her newborn - according to a medical opinion.
  • The spouse is an employee or self-employed, and stopped working to care for the newborn baby.
  • The spouse has accrued a full qualifying period for a maternity allowance - he has paid insurance contributions  for 10 of the 14 months, or 15 of the 22 months preceding the day he stopped working to take care of the newborn.

Please note, this allowance is paid instead of a maternity allowance to the new mother.

Allowance rate

The benefit rate is calculated according to the spouse's income, similarly to the calculation of a paternity allowance for the father.

A calculator is at your disposition to help you in calculating maternity allowance (in Hebrew).

The allowance is paid for 15 weeks, or more in case of a multiple birth or prolonged hospitalization.

How to submit a claim

In order to receive the special allowance, you must submit a claim for special allowance for the spouse of a disabled mother together with a medical opinion. The documents can be sent through the internet site or submitted at a branch of the National Insurance Institute nearest your place of residence, within 12 months from the day of the birth.